Dr.Josephine Carapezza, DDS, and the dental team of Cosmetic Dentistry of Hawthorne, NJ, treat damaged teeth with expert dental bonding procedures. Our direct composite and adhesive bonding procedures restore teeth, close gaps and create beautiful smiles!
Bonding is a painless procedure that applies a material or composite resin to unsightly or injured teeth. The composite resin creates a natural-looking color, which enhances a discolored and stained tooth. Bonding repairs chipped or misshapen teeth, restores tooth loss and fills gaps. Old silver fillings can be replaced with bonding. Performed in one office visit, dental bonding can dramatically improve the appearance of your smile.
Bonding a tooth is a minimally invasive and inexpensive procedure that typically doesn't require anesthesia.
If there is prevalent decay or pulp exposure, bonding may require a more complex procedure or another suitable treatment option. As we bond your tooth, we will:
The result will be a natural-looking tooth with a durable and stain-resistant finish. Post-procedural care requires proper oral hygiene including twice-a-day brushing and flossing.
Schedule regular dental visits for routine cleanings and checkups on dental work and health.
Friendly Staff
Quick Appointments
Financing Available
Child Friendly
We Look Forward To Meeting You
“Great Experience!Very clean, friendly staff, and overall a very pleasant experience! Dr. Carapezza is a thorough dentist and answered all my questions in detail.”
- Crystal B.
Phone:(973) 957-1571
Hours:Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Address:625 Lafayette Ave Suite 102, Hawthorne NJ, 07506
We are excited to meet you at our dental office!